Monday, January 4, 2010

Panthera Proof of Payment 12-09

Panthera continues to be one of the most solid companies offering survey programs out there. However, my earnings have dipped with them a bit. Mostly this is just because I have found other programs who have better rates here and there one one or two-offs. But overall, they are still my strongest affiliate network.

OffersQuest Proof of Payment 12-09

Another good month with OffersQuest. They continue to offer the best rates I have found for Mindfield.

EngageIQ First Proof of Payment

I started up with EngageIQ a few months ago as they have some of the best rates for Global Test Market out there. Their tracking seems to be strong and last month I received my first payment. It's a small one as I was just getting started, but so far so good.

Palm Research Affiliate Program

Things did slow up a bit for me with Palm Research in November/December. But the last few weeks, they did have some new surveys and panel builds go live, so it's picking up. But payments continue to be on time and consistent, so no complaints here.

Think Action Proof of Payment 12-09

I have also continued to be quite impressed with Think Action. They have had some great panel build ups for not only USA but international members that have been well paid. As they complete the switch from Greenfield to ToLuna, it will be interesting to see how things change, but so far, it's been pretty seamless.

If you haven't checked out their affiliate network, feel free to do so here.

SurveySavvy Payments

I have continued to see good results with Survey Savvy. They way they work is that you don't see any referral earnings until the people you refer actually complete surveys. However, once they start to complete surveys, you will earn, on average $2 for every survey they do, and $1 for every survey that someone they, in turn, refer, does. For life.

If you haven't already joined, feel free to join through me here.

Whoa, it's been awhile, sorry about that.

The holidays seem to have gotten the best of me for awhile here. Been just plain busy. But before I headed to the bank today to deposit some recent checks, I thought I'd scan some and update about what has been going on with the affiliate programs I work with.